social networking


WorkSMART is a free online advice guide to employment rights produced by the Trades Union Congress (TUC). The website deals with employment rights providing FAQ's covering a range of areas including contracts, pensions, tax, discipline, discrimination and training. The section dealing with health at work covers all aspects of health and safety at work including stress, bullying, occupational health and disability rights. There is a 'union finder' on the website which allows you to search for trade unions by employer or sector.

Pretexting, legal ethics and social networking sites

Online guide to the ethical implications of using social networking sites to gather evidence written by Ken Strutin who is Director of Legal Information Services at the New York State Defenders Association. The guide was published on in October 2009. The emphasis of this article is on United States law and includes links and references to legal materials which give "background on the current legal thinking about covert investigations and include recent publications addressing online pretexting and the privacy limits of social media".

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