
Latvijas valsts prezidenta

The official website of the President of Latvia, available in Latvian, English and Russian. Site contains information about the office of President and its current incumbent, including press releases and speeches, public schedule and official functions, and a clear breakdown of the president’s duties, powers and rights. Provides information on legislation returned to the Saeima for extra consideration along with the President's reasons. Also provides a useful list of official links to all other areas of government.

Impeachment: a Constitutional Primer

This site contains the full-text of an article by Jason J. Vicente which was published in 1998 by the Cato Institute, an independent US based public policy institute. It traces the constitutional and historical origins of the process of impeachment in the United States and then discusses its use in practical situations. These include the case of Richard Nixon and the Watergate scandal. Consideration is also given as to whether impeachment might occur in relation to Bill Clinton and the Monica Lewinsky case . Users should note that this article is only offered in PDF.

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