parliamentary proceedings

Latvijas Republikas Saeima

The official website of the Parliament of the Republic of Latvia. Available for the most part in Latvian and English, however most of the parliamentary documents available from the site are in Latvian only. Contains a wealth of information about the structure, operation and processes of the Parliament, from real time work schedules to member profiles, as well as information about how the Latvian legislative processes work. Includes the full text, in English, of the constitution, and laws as passed in Latvian only.

A Century of Lawmaking for a New Nation : US Congressional Documents and Debates 1774-1873

A collection of historical documents presented by the Library of Congress, recording the construction and development of the United States of America. The documents provide a record of American history in the words of those who built the government. Titles in the collection concerned with the Constitutional Congress and the Constitutional Convention include: Journals of the Continental Congress, Eliot's Debates and Farrand's Record. Statutes and Documents include: Statutes at Large and the US Serial Set.

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