military law

National Institute of Military Justice

Website of the National Institute of Military Justice (NIMJ) a non-profit organisation based in Washington DC whose aim is to "advance the administration of military justice in the Armed Forces of the United States". The site provides access to a range of documents and links relating to military justice in the US including basic documents such as the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), the Manual for Courts Martial and a Military Justice Fact Sheet. There are recent legal cases, reports and commentaries and legal materials relating to military commissions.

Military Law and Justice

Military Law and Justice is the Website of Philip D. Cave, an United States law firm specialising in military law. The site provides a guide to the rights of US military personnel and links to organisations concerned with military law and justice. There is a comprehensive collection of links to U.S military legal sites including specialist courts, administrative hearing bodies, law reviews and manuals dealing with military justice. The site also includes a bibliography of books and articles concerned with military law and links to external news stories

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