
L.I.I. Uniform Matrimonial and Family Laws Locator

This site forms part of the Legal Information Institute Internet gateway based at Cornell Law School in New York State. The uniform matrimonial and family laws locator is one of five subject locators on the site. It covers United States state laws which correspond to uniform laws in the subject areas of matrimony and the family. There is an alphabetical list of these uniform laws, each entry having a list of the states to which that law applies and links to the full-text where it is available.

Elder Law Journal

Web pages of the Elder Law Journal, published twice yearly by students at the University of Illinois College of Law. The journal publishes policy decisions and guidance on the law relating to old people (for example wills, long-term nursing care and US health care). The journal is intended mainly for US attorneys, but may also be of interest to social workers, gerontologists, and medical practitioners. The website is maintained by the staff of the journal, and contains details of contents and abstracts from the first issue in 1993 to date.


A website developed by Giaschi and Margolis (Barristers and Solicitors in Vancouver, Canada) providing extensive links to maritime law and admiralty law resources on the internet. The site's research archive arranges materials under topic headings such as carriage of goods, admiralty practice, collisions, marine insurance, offshore oil and gas and pollution providing access to cases, statutes, articles and presentations. The emphasis is on Canadian law throughout. The site has a text search engine with boolean searching facilities.

Academy of European Law

The Academy of European Law was established by the European University Institute (EUI) in 1990 to promote teaching and scholarship in the fields of European Union Law and Human Rights Law. It holds annual advanced-level courses on these subjects and publishes the content as Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law. Full details of the courses and the Academy's special projects are given on the website.

Attorney General's Chambers of Malaysia

Official Website of the Attorney General of Malaysia whose role is to advise the Malaysian government on legal matters. The site provides information on the roles and responsibilities of the Attorney General and details the work of the different divisions of the Attorney General's Office including the civil, advisory, drafting, prosecution, international affairs, law revision and law reform divisions. There are links to Malaysian legal resources and the library's OPAC can be searched on the site.

National Assembly of the Lao People's Democratic Republic

Official website of the National Assembly of the Lao People's Democratic Republic. There is a brief history of the National Assembly along with background information on the role, functions and organisation of the National Assembly and its various committees. Details of members for each province are given. The site also has full text legislation given in English including a copy of the Laos Constitution.The site is available in Lao and English.


The Al-Muqtafi database is produced by the Institute of Law at Birzeit University in Palestine. It gives details of all legislation enacted in Palestine since the middle of the nineteenth century. The database can be searched by subject, historical period, date, keyword or type. Records include the title, date, topic, bibliographic details and links to any amendments. A selection of documents are provided in full-text form, mostly in Arabic. Al-Muqtafi also covers court judgments, some of which are available in full, in Arabic.

Ministère de la Justice, République Algérienne Démocratique et Populaire

Website of the Algerian Ministry of Justice, with information about the Algerian judicial system and the work of the Ministry. There are links to online services for lawyers and the public, together with information about the training of magistrates, advocates, notaries and other officials. Details are given of Algeria's cooperation with the UN, the EU and the Arab League as well as its ratification of human rights instruments. Press releases are also available. The site is available in Arabic or French.

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