legal profession

American Legal Ethics Library

The American Legal Ethics Library has been developed by Cornell Law School's Legal Information Institute, and is now under the editorial leadership of W. Bradley Wendel, Associate Professor of Law at Cornell. This digital library contains the US codes or rules setting standards for the professional conduct of lawyers and commentary on the law governing lawyers, organized on a state by state basis. Contributions are by both practising and academic lawyers.

Bar Council : Becoming a Barrister

This page of the Bar Council's website deals with training and careers issues for barristers. It outlines the stages of training, provides advice for applicants and describes the work of a barrister. There are sections aimed at school and college students, university students and pupil barristers. A copy of the Becoming a Barrister brochure can be downloaded from the site.

Solicitors for the Elderly

Solicitors for the Elderly is an association of lawyers who are committed to "providing and promoting robust, comprehensive and independent legal advice for older people, their family and carers". The website provides background information about the association including a copy of their code of practice and a guide to the specialisms held by members. These include areas such as estate planning, probate, tax planning, long-term care insurance policies, home equity release plans, mental health legislation and pensions.

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