legal information

New England Law Library Consortium

Website for the New England Law Library Consortium, a co-operative association of law schools, and law libraries. The site gives a history of NELLCO, outlining the Consortium's aims, administration and programme of co-operative initiatives in the field of information sharing, networking and innovation in information technology. A list of participating members of the Consortium with links to their individual libraries is available. The NELLCO Legal Scholarship Repository provides free access to working papers, reports, lecture series and workshop presentations of NELLCO members.

City Legal Information Group

Website for the City Legal Information Group (formerly known as the City Law Librarians Group) an association for legal information professionals based in central London in the UK. The CLIG takes its membership from law firm librarians, academic librarians and other legal information specialists working around the city. The Group organises regular meetings to enhance professional development and facilitate training and opportunities for establishing contacts and exchanging information.

British and Irish Association of Law Librarians

The British and Irish Association of Law Librarians (BIALL) was formed in 1969 to represent the interests of legal information professionals and others involved in law librarianship. The website has background information about the aims and history of the organisation, membership information and details of events, conferences and courses. There is also careers information relating to legal information work and a 'Job Board'.

New skills, new learning: legal education and the promise of new technology

Article published in 2007 by Gene Koo, a Fellow of the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School. Covers survey of US lawyers by the Berkman Center for Internet & Society and the LexisNexis Group focusing on technology skills required by lawyers that are not covered by the traditional law school curriculum. Covers the use of the internet for information gathering, technologies such as email and video conferencing, and automated knowledge management systems. The article can be downloaded from the Social Science Research Network (SSRN).

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