law reports

A website developed by Giaschi and Margolis (Barristers and Solicitors in Vancouver, Canada) providing extensive links to maritime law and admiralty law resources on the internet. The site's research archive arranges materials under topic headings such as carriage of goods, admiralty practice, collisions, marine insurance, offshore oil and gas and pollution providing access to cases, statutes, articles and presentations. The emphasis is on Canadian law throughout. The site has a text search engine with boolean searching facilities.

Courts and Tribunals Judiciary

Official website of the judiciary of England and Wales providing information on judges, magistrates and tribunal members and including reports, judgements and key facts. There is information describing the various types of judges and their role, functions and jurisdiction, court dress and forms of address. Key facts are provided including statistics, a legal calendar, an organisation chart of the court hierarchy, a glossary of legal terms and biographies of senior judges. The Learning Resources section has quizzes, historical information and webcasts.

Sentenzi Online

Sentenzi Online is a service hosted by the Maltese Ministry for Justice and Home Affairs offering a collection of judgements of the Maltese Courts from 1944 onwards. The collection is arranged in the following categories: selected judgements from 1944 onwards; all judgements from 2001; judgements from the last year and from the last fifteen days. Cases can be searched by date, court, judge, parties or keywords and can be viewed in summary or full-text (PDF) form although not all of the cases from 1944 to 2000 are available in full.


The Al-Muqtafi database is produced by the Institute of Law at Birzeit University in Palestine. It gives details of all legislation enacted in Palestine since the middle of the nineteenth century. The database can be searched by subject, historical period, date, keyword or type. Records include the title, date, topic, bibliographic details and links to any amendments. A selection of documents are provided in full-text form, mostly in Arabic. Al-Muqtafi also covers court judgments, some of which are available in full, in Arabic.

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