
Trends and Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice

A series of research papers published by the Australian Institute of Criminology (AIC), aiming to be informative and topical. Papers in the series aim to provide quality information so as to inform government decisions that will assist in the promotion of justice and prevention of crime. Subjects covered by the papers focus on Australian legal matters relating to a wide range of criminology and criminal justice issues such as policing, sentencing, fraud, and drug-related crime. Papers are published monthly and are made freely available to download from the AIC website in full-text PDF.

International Website Appendix

A large collection of links to international law materials on the internet, compiled by William Slomanson, Professor of Law at the Thomas Jefferson School of Law, San Diego, California. Links are classified and arranged alphabetically under an extensive topics index. The site constitutes an appendix to the author's book, Fundamental Perspectives on International Law, 5th ed., Thomson, 2006. As well as the links, it provides the table of contents from the book and updates to the text.

Journal of Intellectual Property Law

Website for the Journal of Intellectual Property Law, edited by students of the University of Georgia School of Law. The journal is published biannually, and focuses on issues of interest to the intellectual property legal community, including patent, trademark, copyright, unfair trade, entertainment and other related topics. The journal includes scholarly articles from leading academics and practising lawyers, as well as student notes. The site includes tables of contents for the current issue, and full-text of the previous issues, although some issues have been omitted completely.

Elder Law Journal

Web pages of the Elder Law Journal, published twice yearly by students at the University of Illinois College of Law. The journal publishes policy decisions and guidance on the law relating to old people (for example wills, long-term nursing care and US health care). The journal is intended mainly for US attorneys, but may also be of interest to social workers, gerontologists, and medical practitioners. The website is maintained by the staff of the journal, and contains details of contents and abstracts from the first issue in 1993 to date.

Academy of European Law

The Academy of European Law was established by the European University Institute (EUI) in 1990 to promote teaching and scholarship in the fields of European Union Law and Human Rights Law. It holds annual advanced-level courses on these subjects and publishes the content as Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law. Full details of the courses and the Academy's special projects are given on the website.

Nine to Five. National Association of Working Women

Nine to Five : National Association of Working Women is a membership organisation based in the US whose aim is to campaign to end sexual harassment and discrimination and to win better wages, working conditions and family-friendly policies. The site contains information and news on all aspects of women at work and provides some general advice to women who believe they have been victims of sexual harassment and discrimination.

Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen

The Faculty of Law at the University of Copenhagen is Denmark's largest law school, and one of the largest in Northern Europe. The library facilities include the Law Research Library, which contains a large collection of international literature on law subjects, and the Library of Criminology and Criminal Law. The holdings of the Library of Criminology and Criminal Law cover the subjects: Criminology, Criminal Law and Sociology of Law.

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