indigenous people

Indigenous Law Portal

Large open-access collection of links to documents and websites concerning indigenous law, provided by LLMC Digital. Originally developed by the Law Library of Congress, the portal has sections covering the United States, Canada, Mexico and the circumpolar Arctic, and there are plans to extend its coverage to South America. Includes general websites, such as the Tribal Court Clearing House in the US and the Assembly of First Nations in Canada, as well as websites of individual tribes and NGOs and sites dealing with particular subjects (land tenure, environmental law and so on).

Indigenous Law Resources

A service developed and hosted by AustLII as part of  collaboration with the Council for Aboriginal and the Australian Research Council on Reconciliation and Social Justice in Australia. Provides a collection of primary documents on the subject of  indigenous law, relating particularly to Australia: parliamentary papers, government reports, policy documents, reports and submissions by civil society organisations, documents relating to test cases, and material concerning indigenous advocacy.

Native American Rights Fund: National Indian Law Library

Website of the National Indian Law Library established as a department of the Native American Right Fund in Boulder, Colorado, USA to serve the research needs of the Fund and the wider public. The site gives information about library services and unique collections of Native American legal resources with access to the NILL online catalogue. Materials held by the library include Tribal self-governance documents, treaty texts and Federal administrative documents and selected pleadings from important cases, reporters and manuals.

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