immigration law

Immigration Law Center on the Internet

Website carrying information on US immigration law and visas, collated and maintained by Boyd F. Campbell, a lawyer practising in Montgomery, Alabama. This site has regular updates about changes in US immigration law and details of a number of immigration laws pending in Congress. There are essays offering guidance on how to become a US citizen, on employment visas for US businesses and on how to find, hire and work with a US immigration lawyer. All the information is freely available and published in HTML. The site also describes and promotes commercial services offered by the practice.

International Journal of the Sociology of Law

A print journal published by Elsevier, but this site gives the titles and some abstracts of articles published since March 1995 (via Science Direct, an online journal delivery service). The title of the journal has been changed to International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice since 2007 December. The International Journal of the Sociology of Law is an interdisciplinary forum for high quality research and debate on social context and social implications of law, law-enforcement, and legal process.

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