
Parliamentary Monitoring Group

The Parliamentary Monitoring Group (PMG) provides access to committee proceedings of the South African National Assembly and the National Council of Provinces (upper chamber) in the form of detailed, unofficial minutes. Details of public hearings and ministerial replies to MPs' written questions are given and it is also possible to track the progress of bills and view the act in full text. Information is given on the provincial legislatures including profiles of members, committees and contact details. The PMG blog highlights important Parliamentary events of the current week.

Hansard 1803 to 2005

Digitised version of the official report of debates (Hansard) for the UK Parliament, from 1803 to 2005. Content can be browsed by year, MP, peer, constituency, act title, bill title or official position (e.g. Minister for Trade, Chief Whip). There is also a simple search facility. The digitisation project was directed by Parliament.


The Folketinget is the parliament of Denmark. Its website is available in both English and Danish. The English version offers information on the history and duties of the Danish parliament. It includes information about electoral administration and the electoral laws. The Danish version provides more detailed information about parliamentary business. It offers the full text of all official documents produced during the current session, including parliamentary debates, parliamentary bills and committee documents.

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