Federal Court

Federal Court of Australia Judgments

Official website developed by the Federal Court of Australia containing the full-text of judgments or decisions of the Federal Court of Australia (from 1977) and courts and tribunals administered by the Federal Court including the Industrial Relations Court of Australia (from 1994), the Australian Competition Tribunal (from 1997), the Copyright Tribunal (from 1997), the Defence Force Discipline Appeals Tribunal (from 1999) and the Federal Police Disciplinary Tribunal (1999).

Federal Court of Canada

Official website for the Federal Court of Canada, providing brief background information on the history, constitution and jurisdiction of the Court along with biographies of the Federal Court judges. Background information is also given to the Canadian courts and justice system. Links to the full-text of the Canada Federal Court Reports since 1993 are provided, as are a site search engine and search and browse options for the decisions. Federal Court rules, forms, practice guides and relevant guides are additionally made available in full text.

Federal Court Decisions

A CanLII database including all the decisions rendered by the Federal Court of Canada since 1998. Selected decisions are provided from 1990 onwards.The documents are supplied by the Court website. Decisions can be searched and browsed by date. CanLII, the Canadian Legal Information Institute, is a key service providing free access to Canadian primary legal materials. The service has been designed by LexUM at the University of Montreal (using software developed by AustLII) on the initiative of the Federation of Law Societies of Canada.

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