economic rights

European Economic and Social Committee

The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) is an EU consultative body, representing social and economic interest groups. It issues opinions on draft EU legislation. The EESC website provides information about its plenary sessions and about meetings of its special-interest sections and groups and the Commission on Industrial Change. The Our Work section of the site makes available EESC opinions, studies, reports, position papers, plenary session summaries and other documents.


The European Committee of Social Rights (ESC) is a Council of Europe body which monitors compliance with the European Social Charter, a Council of Europe treaty concerning social and economic rights. HUDOC-ESC is a database of its decisions and conclusions, together with related documents such as resolutions and recommendations of the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers in matters relating to the Social Charter. Basic and advanced search facilities are provided. The interface and contents of the database are available in English and French.

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