development studies

Arctic Circle

The Arctic Circle site has information on three interrelated themes: natural resources; history and culture; social equity and environmental justice. Material includes studies of the impact of natural resource development, ethnographic portraits of indigenous peoples and their culture, and information on land claims and self-determination. Also includes links to other sites related to the Circumpolar North. The virtual classroom section includes case studies under each of the three main themes. NB. The site has not been updated since January 2009.

United Nations Development Programme

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is "the UN's global development network, an organization advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life". It works in over 150 countries worldwide and work for progress towards the Millennium Development Goals, seek to enhance the empowerment of women and publish the annual Human Development report. Their website provides press releases, documents, speeches and statements and publications of the United Nations Development Programme.

Save the Children

Save the Children champions children's rights in more than 50 countries, including the United Kingdom. In the short term it provides emergency relief; in the long term its aim is to make children and families self-sufficient by promoting development. The site includes news and press releases, list of publications, a site for young people, hot topics, and frequently asked questions.

Chr. Michelsen Institute

The Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI) is an independent institute based in Bergen Norway. The CMI is engaged in research and advisory work in a broad set of development issues, using a variety of social science perspectives. Contains information about their research programmes and projects, staff, publications and upcoming events.


Linkages is provided by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), publishers of the Earth Negotiations Bulletin. 'It is designed to be an electronic clearing-house for information on past and upcoming international meetings related to environment and development policy.' Linkages offers access to several mailing list services, a regularly updated newsletter, as well as channelled views of key environemntal processes, e.g. sustainable development, trade and investment, and human development.

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