
Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII)

The Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII) website provides more than 500 searchable databases of Australian legislation, case law and other legal materials, free of charge. It is a joint undertaking of the Faculties of Law at University of Technology in Sydney and the University of New South Wales. AustLII covers both Commonwealth (national) and state/territorial materials, together with treaties, law reform reports. It also links to secondary sources such as e-journals.

National Institute of Military Justice

Website of the National Institute of Military Justice (NIMJ) a non-profit organisation based in Washington DC whose aim is to "advance the administration of military justice in the Armed Forces of the United States". The site provides access to a range of documents and links relating to military justice in the US including basic documents such as the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), the Manual for Courts Martial and a Military Justice Fact Sheet. There are recent legal cases, reports and commentaries and legal materials relating to military commissions.

London Maritime Arbitrators Association

Contained on the site is information about the London Maritime Arbitrators Association (LMAA), including the LMAA terms (2006); small claims procedures; FALCA (fast and low cost arbitration) terms and notes; the Arbitration Act 2006; Mediation terms; details on becoming a member of the Association and directory of members. The site also has summaries of awards; information about forthcoming events and links to related sites.

Ministère de la Justice, République Algérienne Démocratique et Populaire

Website of the Algerian Ministry of Justice, with information about the Algerian judicial system and the work of the Ministry. There are links to online services for lawyers and the public, together with information about the training of magistrates, advocates, notaries and other officials. Details are given of Algeria's cooperation with the UN, the EU and the Arab League as well as its ratification of human rights instruments. Press releases are also available. The site is available in Arabic or French.

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