Court of First Instance

InfoCuria - Case-law of the Court of Justice

Official European Union database carrying all judgments, opinions and orders issued by the Court of Justice, General Court and Civil Service Tribunal, plus case summaries and court notices. The database is on the Courts' website, Curia. New cases are available on the day the decision is given. InfoCuria can be searched by case number, date, party names, subject, key words and other criteria. Content is available in all the official EU languages, except for cases not intended for publication in the European Court Reports.

Court of First Instance of Hong Kong Judgments

A web database, forming part of the HKLII service, containing selected judgments of the Court of First Instance of Hong Kong from 1946 to 2004. Materials are in HTML format. Judgment title and text search options are provided with browsing lists by case name and year. The Hong Kong Legal Information Institute (HKLII) is a joint project to provide free access to the primary legal materials of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The project partners are the University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law and AUSTLII, the Australasian Legal Information Institute.

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