collaborative law


Web pages of Resolution (previously the Solicitors Family Law Association) an organisation of family law professionals set up in 1982 in the UK. Resolution's code of practice sets out the "principles of a non-confrontational approach to family law matters" and can be viewed on the site in HTML. Resolution provides support and training for its members and is active in law reform. There are details of events given on the site along with a selection of fact sheets covering topics such as divorce, cohabitation, mediation and collaborative family law.

Alternative Family Law

Alternative Family Law is a solicitors' firm specialising in family law, divorce and civil partnership dissolution. Its website describes alternative ways of conducting divorce proceedings, including collaborative law and mediation. There is guidance on divorce procedures and links are provided to organisations and forms. Advice is also given on financial aspects of divorce, the dissolution of civil partnerships, surrogacy, gay parenting, and divorce with an international element. The site is available in English or German.

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