world trade organization

WTO Guide to Documentation

Guide to WTO and GATT documentation, produced by the World Trade Organization’s Information Management Service. Explains how WTO/GATT documentation is organised and gives details of official document references, or ‘symbols’; also covers sales publications (as opposed to official documents). Gives an overview of key titles, such as Basic Instruments and Selected Documents and the Analytical Index to WTO dispute cases, with links to online versions (where available). Provides indexes and schedules, including a full list of all document symbols.

World Trade Organization (WTO)

The World Trade Organization (WTO) website provides information on the work of the WTO, its history, structure and aims. It includes a dispute settlement gateway and a collection of WTO legal texts, such as the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS). Research reports, records of meetings, background papers and other documents are also provided. The site is available in English, Spanish and French.

European Commission's Trade Department

This is part of the website of the European Commission's Directorate General for Trade. It is devoted to EU trade policy instruments and the WTO system of international trade. It includes a database of information about WTO disputes involving the EU. There are sections about the Trade Barriers Regulation, anti-dumping and anti-subsidy rules, safeguards, the Injurious Pricing Regulation, trade defence instruments and EU Monitoring of third country commercial defence actions. Legislation, reports and other documents are provided and an overview of each topic is given.

Trade Justice Movement

Trade Justice Movement is a campaigning group which opposes the rules and regulations governing world trade and it critical of the World Trade Organization. It wants justice in trade, not "free trade". It is an umbrella group of organisations, including Christian Aid and the World Development Movement.

World Trade Organization Documents Online

Online database of World Trade Organization (WTO) and GATT official documents, including official records of committees and other WTO bodies, legal texts and agreements, background papers, sessions of the Ministerial Conference and papers from conferences and seminars. Detailed search facilities are available and documents can be browsed by subject or meeting. It is also possible to browse the most recent or most popular material on the database.

WTO and GATT Research

Online guide by New York University Law Library, covering print and online sources of information relating to the World Trade Organization (WTO) and its predecessor, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). Covers agreements, official citations, travaux préparatoires (working documents), sources of GATT and WTO documents and links to other research guides. Also focuses on dispute settlement rules, decisions, secondary materials, statistics, glossaries, news and annual reports.

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