world trade organisation

International Law Institute

The International Law Institute is a non-profit research and educational institution based in Washington, DC, USA. It organises training programmes on different aspects of law, including international law, trade law, international development, and the US legal system. A schedule of forthcoming training programmes is available, with details of course content and intended participants and costs. Training topics include evaluation systems, procurement, and legal drafting. An annual orientation course on the US legal system is also publicised.

World Trade Organization

WTO research guide compiled by the Peace Palace Library at The Hague. Gives a brief introduction to the WTO, a bibliography and links to blogs and other web resources. Also mentions relevant databases. The guide is primarily intended for users of the Peace Palace Library, so it focuses on print and online material available at the Library; however, the information is also of interest to other researchers. The guide is in English.

Journal of International Economic Law

Web pages of the Journal of International Economic Law, which is published by Oxford University Press (OUP). The site provides free access to contents and abstracts and subscribers can read full-text articles dating from 1998 onwards. The journal is aimed at scholars, government officials and legal professionals and includes editorials, articles, book reviews and notes. The journal looks at legal issues relating to international economic activity.

World Trade Law is a US-based information service produced by former international trade lawyers Simon Lester and Kara Leitner, providing access to both free and subscription resources. Free aspects of the site include full-text World Trade Organization (WTO) documents along with agreements of the Uruguay Round and Tokyo Round. There are WTO Appellate Body Reports, WTO Panel Reports and GATT Panel Reports, documents concerning WTO negotiating history, a selection of trade articles and links to related sites.

WTO Dispute Settlement

Section of the World Trade Organization (WTO) website covering its role in international dispute settlement and its procedures for resolving trade disputes. The WTO was created in 1995 (successor to GATT) to negotiate and enforce global rules of trade. It links to official documents on the WTO's Documents Online database, and to key dispute settlement materials such as the Rules of Conduct for the Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes, the Working Procedures for the Appellate Review, and WTO Panel and Appellate Body Reports.

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