working conditions

International Labour Organization (ILO)

The International Labour Organization (ILO) is a specialised agency of the United Nations which seeks to promote employment rights, human rights and social justice. The website gives details of the ILO's history, structure and work programmes. It provides numerous free databases of labour-related information and documentation, including national labour laws, international labour standards, treaty information, statistics and a bibliography compiled by the ILO Library.


WorkSMART is a free online advice guide to employment rights produced by the Trades Union Congress (TUC). The website deals with employment rights providing FAQ's covering a range of areas including contracts, pensions, tax, discipline, discrimination and training. The section dealing with health at work covers all aspects of health and safety at work including stress, bullying, occupational health and disability rights. There is a 'union finder' on the website which allows you to search for trade unions by employer or sector.

Understanding Children's Work

This site brings together research conducted by the International Labour Organisation, Unicef and the World Bank. Its objectives are "to improve child labour research, data collection and data analysis; to enhance local and national capacity for child labour data collection and research; and to improve the assessment of existing interventions in this field." The project encourages interaction between researchers, but also disseminates information to the wider public. There are several databases posted on the site, for example Child Labour Data Sets and Country Statistics.

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