
Brennan Center for Justice

The Brennan Center for Justice is based at the New York University, School of Law. The Center was established in 1995 in honour of Supreme Court Justice William Brennan and carries out education, research and litigation in the areas of "democracy, poverty and criminal justice". There are details of programmes being run at the Brennan Center. Resources include a blog, commentary on current issues, a clearinghouse of Brennan Center court cases and litigation, e-alerts, press releases and publications.

The 1967 Referendum: history and myths

Australian Parliamentary Library research briefing published in 2007, on the Parliament of Australia's ParlInfo site. The 1967 referendum led to changes in the Australian Constitution and resulted in aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders being counted in the census. The referendum also opened the door to further changes in the way aborigines were treated by non-aborigines. The briefing provides background and historical information, looks at the implications and impact of the referendum and addresses myths which have grown up around it.


The VOTA database is produced by the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission) and managed in cooperation with the Mexican Electoral Tribunal of the Federal Judiciary (TEPJF). VOTA contains national electoral legislation of Council of Europe member states, covering topics such as universal suffrage, political parties, electoral systems, referendums, voter registration, frequency of elections and polling stations. Materials provided include laws, constitutions and opinions.

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