
Scrutiny of Acts and Regulations Committee

Official website for the Committee established by the Parliament of the State of Victoria, Australia to oversee review and recommend revision of State legislation, specifically "redundant or unclear" measures. The site publishes documents and discussion papers relating to current inquiries and gives full text access to reports, discussion papers and statute law revision reports. The site gives contact details forScrutiny Committees in other Australian states.

Victorian Bar

Website of the Victorian Bar a professional association representing barristers practising in Victoria, Australia. The site has information about the Bar including a copy of the constitution, practice rules and regulations, annual reports and details of the Bar's Alternative Dispute Resolution scheme. An online membership directory provides contact details of barristers and chambers. Full text copies of the Bar newsletter, In Brief, are made freely available online in PDF format containing articles, book reviews and news from the Bar.

Victoria Law Foundation

Website of the Victoria Law Foundation in Australia. The Foundation is an independent statutory body established by the Victorian Parliament to act as a 'creative interface' between the public, the government, the legal profession and community organisations. The site provides a selection of online books aimed at the public and the legal profession which are made freely available as PDF documents and cover topics such as jury service, pro bono and local laws.

Law Institute of Victoria

Website of the Law Institute of Victoria (LIV) an organisation for members of the legal profession working in Victoria, Australia. The site provides historical and organisational information about the LIV and full text annual reports going back to 2000. The Regulation section has information on legal ethics, legal practice, complaints and other issues related to the regulation of the legal profession in Victoria. The Public area features information on legal careers, finding a lawyer, making a complaint and a collection of information sheets to various aspects of the law in Victoria.

Victorian Legislation and Parliamentary Documents

Online repository of legislation of Victoria made freely available by the Department of Premier and Cabinet in Melbourne, Australia. The site provides full-text Parliamentary documents including bills currently before Parliament, Victorian Hansard Online and Parliamentary documents for the Legislative Assembly and Legislative Council. Archives are available back to 1996. The Victorian Statute Book has acts and statutory rules back to 1996. This material is arranged by date and can be browsed alphabetically or by number or searched by keyword.

Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Decisions

An AustLII database containing decisions from the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal from 1998 onwards. Decisions are in full-text HTML format based on documents selected and supplied by the Tribunal. Decisions can be searched or browsed by case name or date. A collection of stored searches can limit results to particular topics including anti discrimination, civil claims, guardianship and real property.

Supreme Court of Victoria Court of Appeal Decisions

An AustLII web database providing full text decisions from the Court of Appeal of the Supreme Court of Victoria, Australia from 1998 onwards. Decisions can be searched or browsed alphabetically by name. Decision texts are selected and supplied by the Court. AustLII, the Australasian Legal Information Institute has been developed by the University of Technology in Sydney to provide public access to primary legal materials.

Victorian Consolidated Regulations

An AustLII database containing the full text consolidated regulations of the State of Victoria, Australia. The regulations can be searched or browsed alphabetically by name. AustLII (Australasian Legal Information Institute) is a collaborative public service, developed by the University of Technology, to provide free internet access to legislation and cases for Australia.

Victorian Consolidated Acts

An AustLII database featuring consolidated acts for the State of Victoria, Australia. The system offers full database search facilities with an act name search, and alphabetical browse list. AustLII, the Australasian Legal Information Institute is a collaborative public service developed by the University of Technology to provide free Internet access to legislation and cases for Australia.

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