trading standards

Anti-Counterfeiting Group

Website of the Anti-Counterfeiting Group (ACG) an international  membership organisation representing businesses, brand owners, specialist lawyers and trademark agents. The ACG works with UK, EU and international governments and law enforcement agencies to tackle crime in counterfeit and pirated goods. There is information about the work of the ACG, news and events and a directory of members. Information guides are given on the dangers of fakes, intellectual property crime and proceeds of crime.

Chartered Trading Standards Institute

Website of the Chartered Trading Standards Institute (CTSI) a membership body for trading standards professionals. The site also provides trading standards and consumer protection information aimed at consumers and businesses including guides to the law dealing with issues such as consumer contracts, product safety, underage sales and weights and measures. Details of events and a link to the CTSI Journal of Trading Standards are also given.

Consumer Crime Cases

The Consumer Crime Cases (CCC) website provides free access to case commentaries and digests of consumer protection and trading standards appeal cases. The site is produced by Victor Smith former Head of Legal Services at Northamptonshire County Council. Cases can be searched using free text terms or using the keyword index or legislation list. Digests highlight key points of law, extracts from the judgements and links to related cases. There are also pages of links to related organisations and legislation.

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