
3D Printing: The Manufactory of Knowledge

Online guide providing commentary and links to law articles, reports and news items focusing on the legal implications of 3D printing. The guide was written by Ken Strutin, who is Director of Legal Information Services at the New York State Defenders Association, and was published in March 2014 on Aspects of the law covered in the guide include product liability, forensics and firearms, patent and copyright law. The emphasis is on United States law throughout. Not all of the resources linked to are freely available.

Nanotechnology and International Law Research Guide

Online guide to nanotechnology and its relation to international law written by Mohammad Ershadul Karim who is a  Senior Lecture at the Faculty of Law, University of Malaya. The guide was published in 2014 (and updated in 2023) on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law. The guide provides an introduction and history to nanotechnology. There are links to nanotechnology databases, United Nations publications, European initiatives and other organisations concerned with nanotechnology.

Privacy International

Privacy International is a London-based NGO dedicated to protecting the right to privacy worldwide. It carries out research, monitors surveillance technologies and raises awareness of threats to privacy. The organisation's website describes its current projects and makes available its research reports, including detailed reports on privacy and surveillance in more than 40 countries. A blog and a Twitter feed are also available.

Stanford Technology Law Review

Website of the Stanford Technology Law Review (STLR), an online technology law journal from Stanford Law School in the United States. The journal contains scholarly articles on technology and the law, covering the intersection of law, science and technology, and public policy. Articles can be downloaded in pdf format back to about 2017, and abstracts are available back to 2012. The symposia feature includes papers from the STLR online symposia. There are also working papers, student notes and perspectives offering news and comments on aspects of technology and the law.

British and Irish Law, Education and Technology Association

The British and Irish Law, Education and Technology Association (BILETA) was formed in April 1986 with the primary objective of promoting technology in legal education throughout the United Kingdom and Ireland. It attempts to achieve this in conjunction with the UK Centre for Legal Education (UKCLE) by promoting research projects, supporting the distribution of software and providing information on technology in law developments. The site provides membership and organisational information and access to an archive of conference papers going back to the 5th BILETA Annual Conference 1990.

Columbia Science and Technology Law Review

The Columbia Science and Technology Law Review (STLR) is published annually by the University of Columbia Law School in the United States. The journal is focused on the legal aspects of science and technology issues and recent articles have covered topics such as data mining and domestic security, patent law, FDA regulation of nanomedicine and competition policy in the telecoms industry. Abstracts are provided for all articles and the full-text can be viewed in PDF. Issues of STLR are available online back to volume 7 2005- 2006.

Nanotechnology: what is it and why do law librarians need to know about it?

Online guide to the legal aspects of nanotechnology written by Scott Russell who is Reference Librarian at Shook, Hardy & Bacon L.L.P. in Missouri in the United States. The guide was published in November 2008 on The author gives an introduction to nanotechnology and links to articles about its use. There are also links to studies dealing with the risks associated with nanotechnology, which could lead to litigation, and to related intellectual property issues.

Studies in Ethics, Law and Technology

Website of the online journal, Studies in Ethics, Law and Technology published by Berkeley Electronic Press (bepress) an academic publisher whose aim is to produce rapidly reviewed, high-quality journals. This journal focuses on the "ethical and legal issues that arise from emerging technologies" and is published three times a year. Recent articles have looked at electronic health records, ethical aspects of road deaths and robotic weapons systems. There is also a special issue on the ethical issues surrounding human enhancement.

Center for Air and Space Law

The Center for Air and Space Law at the University of Mississippi carries out research and teaching on aviation and space law. Its website has details of its events, courses, publications and staff. The Journal of Space Law is available on an open access basis from volume 1 (1973) onwards, except for the latest two issues; there is also information about the Journal of Drone Law and Policy, which was launched in 2020.

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