special educational needs

Additional Support Needs Tribunals for Scotland

Website of the Additional Support Needs Tribunals for Scotland (ASNTS). These tribunals hear cases involving children and young people with learning difficulties. Appeals made by parents and young people against decisions of Education Authorities regarding the provision of educational support are considered along with cases involving disability discrimination. Summaries of tribunal decisions are published on the site and links to relevant legislation and codes of practice are also given.

Special Educational Needs Tribunal for Wales

The Special Educational Needs Tribunal for Wales (SENTW) considers appeals from parents of children, with special educational needs, against decisions of Welsh Local Authorities. The site has information on the make up of the Tribunal and its powers. Annual reports are provided back to 2003/4 containing statistical information about the type of appeals dealt with by the SENTW. A page of related web links is also given.

Education Law Unit

The Education Law Unit is an initiative of the Govan Law Centre, an independent, charitable community controlled law centre in Scotland. The Unit can provide legal representation in education law cases and the website has information on education law in Scotland for anyone who advises children with special educational needs or their parents. There are links to education law news stories and full text cases the Govan Law Centre has been involved with.

First-Tier Tribunal - Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

The First-Tier Tribunal -Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) forms part of the Tribunals Service and hears appeals from parents of children with special educational needs against decisions made by local education authorities (LEAs) regarding their children's education. The Tribunal was previously know as the Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal (SENDIST). The site has sections aimed at parents and LEAs providing guidance on how to appeal, facts and figures about the Tribunal and information on the role and powers of the Tribunal.

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