space law

"Paper satellites" and the free use of outer space

Online guide to the issues surrounding the demand for and allocation of slots for satellites in the geostationary orbit (GSO) written by Iulia-Diana Galeriu who has been a Legal Intern at IATA (International Air Transport Association) (2014-2015) and an International Institute of Air and Space Law Alumna. The guide was published in 2015 on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law.

Planetary Protection Obligations of States Pursuant to the Space Treaties and with Special Emphasis on National Legislations Provisions

Article by lawyer Gustavo Boccardo, published on New York University's Globalex website and last updated in 2018. Discusses contamination of space by space exploration missions and the reverse, where potentially dangerous organisms are bought back to Earth in samples for scientific analysis. Covers the Outer Space Treaty and to the planetary protection policies of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR). Also gives an overview of planetary protection provisions in the national law of states who are parties to the Outer Space Treaty.

Space Asset under the Space Protocol of the Cape Town Convention

Online guide to the term ‘Space Asset’ written by Pai Zheng who is Assistant Professor at the International Law School of East China University of Political Science and Law (ECUPL) in Shanghai, China and Ruo Wang an LL.M. Candidate (Public International Law) at ECUPL. The guide was published in 2014 (and updated in 2023) on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law.

Belgian Science Policy (BELSPO)

This website from the Belgian Federal Science Policy Office provides information on Belgian federal science policy, including overviews of current research programmes, details of international and bilateral co-operation and coordination in the field and upcoming conferences and symposia. Air and space policy and law is covered in some detail. The site gives an overview of Belgian space law and provides links to the English text of the Law on the Activities of Launching, Flight Operation or Guidance of Space Objects (2005) and also of the Royal Implementing Decree (2008).

London Institute of Space Policy and Law

The London Institute of Space Policy and Law (ISPL) brings together legal practitioners and academics in the field of space law conducting research and providing educational programs for policy-makers, lawyers, the judiciary, government, administrators and students. The website provides information on projects and events offered by the ISPL along with details of the Advisory Board and Faculty. There is a page of links to other space law and policy resources and organisations worldwide. The ISPL is based in London and is associated with the Institute of Advanced legal Studies.

Institute of Air and Space Law

Website developed by the Institute of Air and Space Law (based at McGill University, Quebec, Canada) providing extensive links to air and aviation law and space law resources on the internet. The site contains links to primary materials such as international conventions and related protocols on air and aviation law and space law. Public and private international law conventions are included. The full-text of these conventions are offered in English or French. The site also provides a table which shows the status of individual countries with regard to international air law instruments.

International Space Law

This section of the UN Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) website provides access to legal materials and background documents about international space law. These include treaties (bilateral and multilateral); General Assembly resolutions; a database of national laws and official documents relating to outer space (including a directory of space law courses, 'Educational opportunities in space law'); and studies by UNOOSA.

International Institute of Air and Space Law

Website of the International Institute of Air and Space Law, which is based at Leiden University in the Netherlands. The institute's work includes teaching at graduate and post-graduate level, conducting research and providing advice and information to governments, international organisations and airlines. Its website includes information about the work of the Institute, the Hague Space Resources Governance Working Group and the International Air Law Moot Court.

Annals of Air and Space Law

Web pages of the journal Annals of Air and Space Law, published since 1976 by the Institute of Air and Space Law at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. Contents pages are available for every volume and an index covering the period 1982 to 2008 is also provided. Details of the editorial board, requirements for submissions and information about subscriptions can also be found on the site.

European Centre for Space Law

Website of the European Centre for Space Law (ECSL), a research organisation set up by the European Space Agency (ESA) in 1989 with the aim of "improving space law research, education and practice in Europe." ECSL's website has course information, publications and a newsletter. Also included are ESA laws and regulations, bibliographies and other information.

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