
Database of the Constitutions of Sub-Saharan Africa

Database of constitutions and constitutional documents of African countries, provided by the University of Konstanz. The contents can be searched or browsed by jurisdiction. The database was been compiled by Katharina Holzinger, Florian Kern and Daniela Kromrey of the Department of Politics and Public Administration. Documents are provided in the original language; some historical versions are available as well as recent texts. Most can be downloaded and/or accessed via links to other websites.

Somaliland Law

Website providing information on the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Somaliland. Somaliland is a breakaway territory established in the north of Somalia in 1991 that is not currently recognised by the international community. Somaliland Law is edited by UK based lawyer Ibrahim Hashi Jama. The site offers a profile of Somaliland and articles and commentary relating to Somaliland law. Full texts of the Constitutions of 1991 and 1960 are given along with details of developments in constitutional law.

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