social rights

Peter Forskaal: Thoughts on Civil Liberty

Website dedicated to and celebrating Peter Forsskål's influential treatise Tankar om borgerliga friheten (Thoughts on Civil Liberty) published in Sweden in 1792. Forsskal's work contributed to access to information and the abolition of prior censorship which was established in 1766 by law in Sweden. The site gives information about the history of the work, access to the original pamphlet text and in English translation and in several other languages. Details of events related to freedom of information, civil liberties and the legacy of Peter Forskaal are provided.

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights seeks to promote universal enjoyment of all human rights by responding to violations and promoting the implementation of international instruments. Its website provides the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in over 300 different languages, together with human rights treaties, fact sheets, decisions and working documents of the various UN human rights bodies (such as the Committee Against Torture and the Council on Human Rights). Printed and multi-media materials relating to the Universal Declaration are also available.


AMICUS is a free online supplement to the Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review (CR-CL). It seeks to offer a space for online debate about the latest research on civil rights (with a special emphasis on the civil rights of African-Americans). Although a broad range of other areas of civil rights are also covered including freedoms, online rights. The site includes articles, opinion pieces and a conversations area containing organised debates amongst scholars.

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