social history

One: National Gay and Lesbian Archives

The One institute is located in Los Angeles. It is one of the world's largest research libraries specialising in Gay, Lesbian and transsexual social and political history and current events. It includes an extensive collection on HIV/ AIDS history. Its website provides basic information on the content of the collection, recent events and the facility to search the Library catalogue. This contains bibliographic details about books, pamphlets, working papers, conference reports, archives and all types of grey literature relating to gay, lesbian and transsexual interest.

Internet Library of Early Journals: digital library of 18th and 19th century journals

This site was created by the Universities of Birmingham, Leeds, Manchester and Oxford. It provides free access to a number of leading 18th and 19th century English journals: Gentleman's Magazine (1731-50); the Annual Register (1758-78); Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (1757-77); Notes and Queries (1849-69); the Builder (1843-52) and Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine (1843-1863). These are of value for social, economic and political historians of the period.

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