social care

Just for Kids Law

Website of Just for Kids Law, a children’s rights charity that provides legal representation, advice, direct advocacy and support for children and young people. Just for Kids Law also campaigns for the promotion of children’s legal rights and the website has information about their work on school exclusion, youth justice, housing and social care. The charity has been involved with cases that have brought about changes in the law dealing with criminal records, joint enterprise and immigration. The site includes news items and a blog.

Care Quality Commission

The Care Quality Commission is the independent regulator of all health and adult social care services in England. Its website provides information about what people can expect from health and social care providers, as well as results of reports and inspections. These can be searched by name, location or postcode, and are available to download in PDF format. The site also provides additional links to relevant health and social care organisations and information services.

Care Inspectorate Wales

Care Inspectorate Wales is the independent regulator of social care and childcare in Wales. Work involves registering and inspecting care services, responding to concerns raised about social care and ensuring services meet legislative and regulatory requirements. Inspection, annual and local authority reports are available on the site. Links are given to relevant legislation, regulations and guidance. There is also a searchable care services directory and a register of service providers.

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