
Truth Commission Digital Collection

The Truth Commission Digital Collection forms part of the Margarita S. Studemeister Digital Library in International Conflict Management at the United States Institute of Peace. There are profiles of truth commissions and commissions of inquiry set up in different countries with background information, details of members, links to establishing documents and each commission's final reports and findings. Sources of information for each profile are also given.

Republic of Serbia: Supreme Court of Cassation

Website of the Serbian Supreme Court of Cassation, providing information in English about the court system in Serbia and about the Court of Cassation in particular. English translations of court rules and related legislation available under 'Normative framework', together with an English-language excerpt from the Constitution of Serbia. The Serbian version of the site includes selected decisions of the Supreme Court of Cassation, the Supreme Court of Serbia, the Constitutional Court and the European Court of Human Rights. 

OSCE Mission to Serbia

This page of the OSCE Mission to Serbia focuses on the work of the Rule of Law and Human Rights Department of the organisation. Activities include reform of the Serbian judicial system (specifically the criminal justice system), anti-corruption, prison reform and human rights institutions. The site provides access to publications by the organisation relating to Serbian laws and legal system. There are currently reports on the following: judicial institutions; the prison system; the law making process; anti-corruption institutions and criminal procedure. These can be downloaded as PDFs.

Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia

Website of the Serbian Official Gazette published by Public Enterprise Official Gazette. The Gazette includes published acts of the Serbian National Assembly, the President, Constitutional Court and other official bodies. The site also offers a subscription service to Serbian laws in English covering the political system, business, investment, taxation, finance and intellectual property. The site can be viewed in Serbian and English.

Center for Free Elections and Democracy Belgrade

The Center for Free Elections and Democracy Belgrade is a no-partisan organisation formed in 1997 by professors and student protestors at the University of Belgrade. It seeks to extend democratic government in Serbia/Montenegro (former Yugoslavia). The website provides information on the purpose and work of the center. It provides up to date political news from the region and access to the full-text of some of its publications. The latter include guides and assessments of the current state of democracy and the electoral system in the region, model laws and election monitoring reports.

Avalon Project : Dayton Peace Accords

The Dayton Peace Accords sought to achieve a peaceful settlement to the Balkans conflict in 1995. They relate to the positions of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Croatia and Yugoslavia. This website, which is available as part of the Avalon Project maintained by Yale University, contains the text of the agreement and its appendixes. The appendixes include letters from Slobodan Milosevic and the US Department of State Dispatch.

International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia - (ICTY)

The ICTY was established by a United Nations Security Council Resolution in May 1993 to prosecute persons responsible for violations of international humanitarian law committed in the territory of the former Yugoslavia since 1991. Its website contains legal documents relating to the operation of the Tribunal including the rules of procedure and regulations of conduct. It also contains details of all the cases tried by the tribunal, including the full-text of the initial indictments, data on the progress of the case and some transcripts.

Serbian Government

Official Website of the Serbian Government. The State Union, formed in February 2003 and including Montenegro and the state of Serbia, together with the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina and the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohia, was dissolved following a referendum in May 2006 in which Montenegro voted for independence . Kosova is also now independent. A profile is given of Serbia, its political system and symbols, and information is given on the organisation, competence and composition of the Assembly and the Council of Ministers.

National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia

Official Website of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia. The site provides information about the Assembly's activities including minutes of Assembly meetings and those of various committees. A full-text copy of the Constitution can be viewed in a range of formats along with a copy of the Rules of Procedure which covers the role of the President, the relationship between the National Assembly and other bodies such as the government and the Constitutional Court and the procedure for adopting laws. There is also a history of the National Assembly.

International Center for Transitional Justice

The International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ) is an organisation working with countries where there have been mass atrocities or abuses of human rights. The site outlines the Center's research, training and legal and policy analysis and makes available its reports, briefings and other publications. The organisation has initiatives in Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East and North Africa.The site is in English, Spanish, French and Arabic.

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