scientific research

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)

The EFSA is an independent European agency funded by the European Union. It is responsible for both food and feed safety, but is not responsible for EU food legislation. Scientific reports, consultation documents, annual reports and the EFSA Journal (an open-access scientific journal) are available on the EFSA website, together with news items. Policy topics can be browsed via an alphabetical list. The site is available in English, French, German and Italian.

Laboratory Animals: an Executive, Legislative and Judicial Narrative and Research Guide

Research guide to the legal status of animals used in laboratory research, written by Deborah Paulus-Jagric, Reference Librarian at New York University, Law School Library. The article was published in the features section of in February 2005. The focus of the guide is on United States law and in particular examines the legislative history and amendments to the Animal Welfare Act and the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service regulations. The article also looks at key cases covering the debate providing references and links to web-based resources.

An innovative directory of academics and researchers which is being developed by a team headed by Dr Richard Price of All Souls College, Oxford. It intends to provide free access to a database of information about academic researchers and departments in colleges worldwide. Individual records include research interests and information on projects. It is possible to search by department or research interests. The site was launched in 2008 and relies heavily on self registration, therefore users should be aware that information may not be comprehensive.

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