
The Lancet

The Lancet publishes a weekly journal and nine monthly specialty journals in the fields of global health, diabetes and endocrinology, oncology, haematology, neurology, psychiatry, respiratory medicine, infectious diseases and HIV. website publishes important journal content online ahead of print publication. All journal content and summaries can be browsed in their Clinical and Global Health portals and by specialty disciplines. There is open access to some of the articles but by registering for free, a range of selected articles can be viewed.

Nanotechnology and International Law Research Guide

Online guide to nanotechnology and its relation to international law written by Mohammad Ershadul Karim who is a  Senior Lecture at the Faculty of Law, University of Malaya. The guide was published in 2014 (and updated in 2023) on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law. The guide provides an introduction and history to nanotechnology. There are links to nanotechnology databases, United Nations publications, European initiatives and other organisations concerned with nanotechnology.

Belgian Science Policy (BELSPO)

This website from the Belgian Federal Science Policy Office provides information on Belgian federal science policy, including overviews of current research programmes, details of international and bilateral co-operation and coordination in the field and upcoming conferences and symposia. Air and space policy and law is covered in some detail. The site gives an overview of Belgian space law and provides links to the English text of the Law on the Activities of Launching, Flight Operation or Guidance of Space Objects (2005) and also of the Royal Implementing Decree (2008).

Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy

The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (DBEIS) is a UK government department formed in 2016 by a merger of the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills with the Department for Energy and Climate Change. The DBEIS is the government department responsible for business, industry, science, innovation, energy and climate change. Its webiste provides press releases, policy papers, statements, statistics and other information on these subjects.

Columbia Science and Technology Law Review

The Columbia Science and Technology Law Review (STLR) is published annually by the University of Columbia Law School in the United States. The journal is focused on the legal aspects of science and technology issues and recent articles have covered topics such as data mining and domestic security, patent law, FDA regulation of nanomedicine and competition policy in the telecoms industry. Abstracts are provided for all articles and the full-text can be viewed in PDF. Issues of STLR are available online back to volume 7 2005- 2006.

AAAS Science and Human Rights Program

Website of the Science and Human Rights Program established in 1976 as a unit of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Directorate for Science and Policy Programs. The SHR "works with scientists to 'advance science and serve society' through human rights". The Science and Human Rights Newsletter is available free to those who register, and full details of other publications are provided. There are links to all ongoing and completed projects that the SHR Program is involved with.

Studies in Ethics, Law and Technology

Website of the online journal, Studies in Ethics, Law and Technology published by Berkeley Electronic Press (bepress) an academic publisher whose aim is to produce rapidly reviewed, high-quality journals. This journal focuses on the "ethical and legal issues that arise from emerging technologies" and is published three times a year. Recent articles have looked at electronic health records, ethical aspects of road deaths and robotic weapons systems. There is also a special issue on the ethical issues surrounding human enhancement.

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