
Government of Norway

Official website of the Norway government which provides access to all government ministries and the Prime Minister’s office. Details of the government including a list of MPs are given along with information on the governments of Norway going back to 1814. There are links to government documents including white papers, consultations and committee reports. A link is given to Lovdata where Norwegian legislation can be viewed. The site can be viewed in Norwegian, Icelandic and English.

Nordiska Rådet / Nordiska Ministerrådet

Website of the Nordic Council and Nordic Council of Ministers. The site provides information about official cooperation between the governments and parliaments of Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Iceland. It also has facts and figures about the Nordic region, news. The Resources section includes teaching materials for schools, maps, photographs and links to dictionaries of the Nordic languages. The site is available in English and the Scandinavian languages.

Scandinavian Studies in Law

Free online version of 'Scandinavian Studies in Law', a series of books published by the Stockholm Institute for Scandinavian Law at Stockholm University. The series covers the law of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden and presents articles by Scandinavian lawyers and legal scholars translated into English. Each volume focuses on a particular legal topic. All but the last few volumes can be accessed for free using the 'Sc.St.L. Database'. The  Scandinavian Studies in Law website also includes a list of abbreviations used in the series, and a help page.

Same-Sex Marriage: A Selective Bibliography of the Legal Literature

Online bibliography compiled by Paul Axel-Lute of the Rutgers Law Library at the Rutgers School of Law-Newark in the United States. The bibliography was first published in September 2002 and was last updated in June 2010. The emphasis is on US law and the bibliography provides references and links to materials supporting both sides of the argument. There is a brief introduction giving background and historical information to the movement for same-sex marriage and the first part of the bibliography includes web based resources and books.

Scandinavian Research Council for Criminology

The website of the Scandinavian Research Council for Criminology is an online resource providing information about the Council, its purpose and its activities. The Council aims to provide the member Scandinavian governments with advice relating to issues surrounding criminology. It also awards grants for research and travel and arranges annual thematic conferences and seminars. The site includes full-text versions of its seminar reports and a newsletter published three times a year in Scandinavian languages.

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