roman catholic church

Sociedad Argentina de Derecho Canónico

An Argentinian private association which promotes the study of the Catholic Church's canon law. It website provides a collection of relevant documents, including versions of the Codes of Canon Law from different jurisdictions. The texts are in Spanish only and are presented in Word or PDF format. The site also hosts a digital library of full-text documents which can be searched by author and subject area.

Canon Law

Article on canon law, as published in the Catholic Encyclopedia online, made available on the New Advent website. The article was written by A. Boudinhon, and transcribed by David DeWolf. It discusses the differences between canon law and ecclesiastical law, and describes the sources and divisions of the body of laws of the Christian Church. It outlines the historical development of collections of canon law texts from the early Christian Church to modern times, and describes the different types of text (bulls, briefs, concordats, etc).

Statutes of Gregory IX for the University of Paris, 1231

Web pages containing an English translation of the Statutes of Pope Gregory IX for the University of Paris, 1231, as published in English originally by the University of Pennsylvania Press, 1897, pp.7-11, and presented on the Internet by Paul Halsall. Gregory's Statutes concern the relations between the Chancellor of the University and the Bishop of Paris, the appointment of the Chancellor, the licensing of masters of theology, and the licensing of masters in medicine and arts.

Constitutions of Clarendon, 1164

Web pages containing the text of the Constitutions of Clarendon, a written statement by Henry II of England, made at Clarendon, near Salisbury, in 1164. The 16 articles concern the relationship between church and state in England and set out to limit the secular power of the church and ecclesiastical courts. These pages form part of the Medieval Sourcebook, an internet resource on medieval history, maintained by Paul Halsall and hosted by Fordham University in New York.

Code of Canon Law

Online version of the Roman Catholic Code of Canon Law, provided by IntraText, an open-access digital library. The Code is the most recent compilation of ecclesiastical law for the Roman Catholic church, revised in 1983 and made up of 1,752 canons in 7 books. Canon law is the law of the Church's courts and includes rules for the governance and regulation of the clergy and the church. The website includes concordances and word lists which can be ordered alphabetically or by frequency of occurrence.

Researching the law of the Vatican City State

Guide to researching the law of the Vatican City State (VCS) written by librarians Stephen Young and Alison Shea and updated by Italian lawyer Angelo Coccìa in 2024. The guide was published on the Globalex website which is run by the Hauser Global Law School Program at New York University. The authors give an introduction to the Vatican City State and its legal system and outline the sources of law, including the Lateran Treaty with the Republic of Italy, which gave independence to the VCS.

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