renewable energy

Activities of the European Union: Energy

This section of the EU's Europa website gives a concise overview of EU energy policy and acts as a gateway to relevant information and documentation on EU websites. There are links to the European Commission's Energy and Transport Directorate-General, the European Parliament's Committee on Industry, Research and Energy, the Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council's press releases and other web pages of interest. Legislation, statistics, press releases, the General Report on the Activities of the European Union and other publications are available.

Energy - European Commission

Webpages of the European Commission's Directorate-General for Energy, providing information relating to energy policy in the European Union (EU), including statistics and reports, press releases and the Directorate-General's newsletter, "Energy and Transport in Europe Digest" (2002 to date). Details of priced publications are also given. There are links to policy consultations and calls for tenders. Other sections include information and legislation relating to specific energy sources such as coal, oil and gas.

Institute for Energy Law

Website of the Institute for Energy Law (IEL) a division of the Center for American and International Law. The IEL is aimed at lawyers and professionals in all areas of domestic and international energy law and is "committed to continuing education for professionals in the energy industry". The site includes information about how to join, a list of current members, and details of its Advisory Board and its activities.

Energy Bar Association

Website of the Energy Bar Association (EBA) an international not-for profit association of energy law practitioners and professionals. The EBA's mission is to "enhance the professional competence of those who practice and administer energy law". The site includes membership information, details of committees and information about the EBA's Energy Law Journal. There are downloadable copies of the EBA Update newsletter, a list of opinions of the federal courts relating to energy law issues for the previous year and a page of related web links.

Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law

The Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law is a referreed journal that aims to explore legal problems and issues in the context of energy and natural resources law. Aimed at practitioners and academics in the field, the journal seeks to cover key areas in the field: oil and gas law, mineral law, coal law, water law and renewable energy law. The journal, produced by the International Bar Association (IBA), is published quarterly. The site offers subscription information and guidelines for authors. There are links to other publications published by the IBA.

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