

Emplaw is a subscription service hosted by the General Federation of Trade Unions (GFTU) and written by employment law specialists. The site provides guidance on a wide range of employment law topics and summaries of employment law decisions from the UK and European courts and tribunals. There is free access to employment law news stories and articles and to Emplaw Monthly, a review of developments in employment law which is available back to 2014. A directory of employment lawyers is also given.

Office of the Commissioner for Public Appointments in Scotland

Website of the Office of the Commissioner for Public Appointments in Scotland (OCPAS) an independent body with responsibility for the regulation of appointments to Scotland’s public bodies. There is information on the appointments process and guidance for people thinking of applying to be a Board Member of a public body. Full text copies of the Code of Practice for Ministerial Appointments and OCPAS’s equality and diversity strategy can be viewed on the site.

Judicial Appointments Commission

Website of the Judicial Appointments Commission (JAC), an independent non-departmental public body set up in 2005 to select candidates for judicial office. The site has information about the role and history of the Commission and biographical details of the Commissioners. Publications relating to the work of the JAC are available on the site including a business plan and a framework document. There are speeches, news items and details of events. A page describing the selection process is also provided on the site.

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