
Systemic Justice

An NGO dedicated to advancing racial, social and economic justice by means of strategic litigation. The website has information about litigation projects,  including a BIPOC climate justice initiative. There are details of the lawyers’ network, the Community of Practice, and a ‘Community Toolkit for Change’ is available, consisting of a glossary of legal terms, a guide to strategic litigation and a set of discussion points for community groups. The site also provides reports, recorded talks and a blog.


Database of documents produced by the European Committee for Database of documentation relating to the work of the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI), a Council of Europe human rights body which monitors racism, xenophobia and intolerance in Council of Europe member states. The database contains ECRI country reports; government observations (responses to ECRI reports); policy recommendations; interim conclusions; and press releases.

Statewatch database

Statewatch is a non-profit voluntary organisation which monitors the state and civil liberties in the UK and the rest of Europe. The Statewatch Database contains more than 25,000 records, including news, features, pamphlets, reports, legislation, EU resolutions and agreements, details of UK parliamentary debates and those of the European Parliament and reports on European Court of Human Rights cases. Material less than 6 months old can be accessed free of charge; older materials require a subscription.

Donde esta la justica?: a call to action on behalf of Latino and Latina youth in the U.S. justice system

This is the 7th report (2003) by the Building Blocks for Youth alliance, which aims to protect minority youth, who are over-represented in the US justice system and receive harsher treatment than white people for the same offences. Recommendations are made to all those involved with Latino and Latina youth with the aim of resolving these problems. The document is available on the website of the Open Society Foundation.

European Roma Rights Center

The European Roma Rights Center (ERRC) monitors the human rights situation of Roma in Europe and offers legal defence to Romani victims in cases of human rights abuse. The organisation also publishes news about Romani civil rights and human rights abuses relating to Roma. The ERRC website provides the Center's quarterly newsletter Roma Rights, together with ERRC publications on Roma listed by country, region and theme. The site is in English, with some materials in Romani or Russian.

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