
Société Québécoise d'Information Juridique

The Société Québécoise d'Information Juridique, SOQUIJ, produces a range of priced publications and products aimed at law schools and the legal profession. But its website also includes content freely available to everyone, “services aux citoyens” and “ressources pour tous”. Court decisions from the Cour du Québec and from other Quebec courts and tribunals are online, as well as decisions of the Supreme Court of Canada and federal courts. Decisions date from 2000 mainly, and are mostly in French with some decisions translated into English.

Quebec Laws and Regulations

Les Publications du Québec, the Québec government printer, provides Québec legislation for free on its website. Both statutes and regulations are available as amended ("revised"); the statutes are in English and French while the regulations are in French only. There is a search facility covering the revised legislation, as well as an alphabetical index by title of statute (with links to corresponding regulations). Copies of the Gazette officielle du Québec are also available back to 1996. The site can be viewed in French or English.


Canadian Legal Information Institute

The Canadian Legal Information Institute (CanLII) provides free access to a comprehensive range of Canadian primary and secondary legal materials, including federal and provincial laws as amended and as passed, case law, books, articles and reports. The service was created jointly by the Federation of Law Societies of Canada and LexUM, the computer law research team at the University of Montreal. The site is available in both English and French, the official languages of Canada.

Human Rights Tribunal - Quebec

Website for the Human Rights Tribunal of Quebec. The Tribunal was created in December 1990, comes under the judiciary system of Quebec, and has jurisdiction to hear and rule on complaints concerning discrimination, harassment and exploitation. The site is available in English and French versions, and contains a description of the Tribunal and how it works, together with links to a database of decisions from 1991 onwards in full-text HTML format on CanLII. The decisions are mostly in French, although there is a section in English in a separate file.

Les Cahiers de Droit

Website for Les Cahiers de Droit, a legal review established in 1954 at Laval University Law faculty in Quebec, aiming to promote the development and evolution of legal sciences in Quebec and intended for practitioners and legal scholars. Four issues are published annually presenting articles on legal doctrine and bibliographic chronicles with an annual thematic issue offering a critical assessment of the state of law in Quebec, Canada and internationally. The website provides contents listings and abstracts of published articles from vol.

Centre de Recherche en Droit Public

Website of the Centre de recherche en droit public (CRDP) at the Faculty of Law at University of Montreal. Legal research at the CRDP is focused on Quebec law and government and the site provides background information, profiles of researchers and details of research projects being undertaken. Publications produced by the Centre are freely provided online either in full text or with bibliographic details. Copies of Lex Electronica, the CRDP journal, can be downloaded in full text (French only). The site can be viewed in French and English.

Association du Barreau Canadien - Division Québec

Website of the Quebec Division of the Association du Barreau Canadien ( representing members of the legal profession in the province of Quebec. There are sections covering the function and purpose of the Association, the work of committees covering specialist subject areas, a programme of events and a recent news section. The Association publishes a journal entitled "Point de Mire" and the current issue and back issues since June 2002 are available in full-text in PDF format.

Barreau du Québec

Official website of the Barreau du Québec (Bar Association of Quebec). Key sections of the site cover services to members, services for the general public and Bar publications. The organisation publishes two journals, which are freely available on the website in full-text: Journal du Barreau ( 1996 - ), which provides articles and news, and Revue du Barreau (1999 - 2005), which includes more substantial articles. There is also a monthly e-newsletter, Le Bref (2007 - ), and searchable databases of Bar members and mediators.

Quebec Judicial Council Decisions

A CanLII database collection including all decisions supplied for publication by the Council rendered since 1998, and partial coverage back to 1983. Simple and advanced query options are provided to search the collection, supplemented by browsing lists of decisions sorted alphabetically by style of cause and sorted by date of judgment listed by year. CanLII, the Canadian Legal Information Institute, is a key service providing free access to Canadian primary legal materials.

Quebec Labour Court

A CanLII database presenting all decisions made by Quebec's Labour Tribunal since 2001. Simple and advanced query options are provided to search the collection, supplemented by browsing lists of decisions sorted alphabetically by style of cause and sorted by date of judgment listed by year. CanLII, the Canadian Legal Information Institute, is a key service providing free access to Canadian primary legal materials. The service has been designed by LexUM at the University of Montreal (using software developed by AustLII) on the initiative of the Federation of Law Societies of Canada.

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