public procurement

Public Procurement Research Group

The Public Procurement Research Group (PPRG) is part of the School of Law at the University of Nottingham. Its website provides information on the work and members of the PPRG. Details of books, PhD theses, and articles written by group members are given and some of these are available to download in full. There is also information on PPRG projects, which include procurement and human rights, public procurement in Africa and utilising marine cultural heritage in East Africa.

Procurement Lawyers’ Association

Website of the Procurement Lawyers’ Association (PLA), a membership organisation for lawyers working within the field of EU procurement law. The PLA organises working groups focusing on developing areas of procurement law. Completed project papers written by the working groups are available on the site, covering issues such as NHS procurement and conflicts of interest. Details of PLA events and related organisations are also given.

Procurement Portal

Procurement law website produced by the procurement team at UK law firm Mills & Reeve. Provides free access to a toolkit of guidance and template documents relating to the procurement process. There is information on the use of framework agreements, guidance on state aid, a standstill period calculator and invitation to tender template. The site includes a blog written by specialist procurement lawyers with posts on developments and updates on procurement law. A selection of links to procurement law resources is also given.

TED: Tenders Electronic Daily

Tenders Electronic Daily, or 'TED', originated as the printed Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union (S series, or OJ S). TED is online-only and provides daily information on public contracts put out to competitive bidding in the EU member states and by EU institutions. The content can be searched or browsed and RSS feeds are available. There is a five-year archive. Users can register for free to access additional functions such as saved searches and customisation. The website is in all the official EU languages.

Public procurement

This European Commission site provides a substantial amount of information about EU public procurement rules and policy. Legislation, guidelines, reports and explanatory notes are available, plus details of consultations and general information about remedies, public private partnerships, electronic public procurement and defence procurement. International aspects of public procurement are covered and there is news of the Commission's activities to counter infringements of the rules. The site is in English and can be translated into other EU languages automatically. 

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