
Protecting Pregnant Workers and New Mothers

A Health & Safety Executive (HSE) Web portal which draws together information, legislation and forms covering the health and safety of new and expectant mothers at work. The site provides guidance to legislation including the Management of Health and Safety Regulations 1999, Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992, Employment Rights Act 1996 as amended by the Employment Relations Act 1999 and the Sex Discrimination Act 1975. There is a selection of full-text leaflets and guidance made available in PDF format aimed at working mothers, employers and health professionals.

Seeking bypass: what will ultimately end confidence in the necessity of parental involvement laws?

Online article published on law and technology website in 2009, looking at US laws relating to parental involvement when abortions are sought by minors. The author is Diana Philip of the Women's Health Leadership Network, who is also on the advisory board for Lilith: A Fund for Reproductive Equity. The article outlines the history of young women's reproductive rights in the US, providing references to key texts and links to landmark cases.

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