
Tahrir documents

Tahrir Documents provides a gateway to activist papers from the 2011 Egyptian uprising and its aftermath, deriving from protests and unrest in Cairo’s Tahrir Square. Scans of the original documents are published alongside complete English translations. There are copies of revolutionary newspapers, documents concerning the constitution, the military, politics and workers’ rights, as well as background information on the previous Egyptian regime. There are also other cultural documents, including poetry and fiction, and both Muslim and Christian religious information.

Political Database of the Americas

A non governmental project maintained by the Center for Latin American Studies at Georgetown University, USA in collaboration with other bodies. It was started in 1995. A principal feature of the site is a study of the constitutions of the Latin American countries, with the full text of the relevant Constitution. For each country suggestions are made of additional supporting literature but only the bibliographical information is available. There is also background information about other topics including the electoral system and political parties of the countries.

Direcção-Geral da Politica de Justiça (DGPJ)

The DGPJ is a state central body of direct administration. It gives technical support related to the production of legislation and monitors policies and strategic planning and international affairs. Sections of the site give background information on these roles. Full text access is given to the Justice Statistical database and to the Justice Laws project (Leis da Justiça). This legislation project is divided into chapters relating to different areas of law relevant to the work of the DGPJ. Each chapter has an introduction and links to the full text legislation..

Government of the Federated States of Micronesia

The website of the National Government of the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), its departments, and overseas missions, hosted by the FSM mission to the United Nations in New York. Site contains both current and archived government press releases, information and contact details for government offices and officials at both federal and state level, and a list of all multilateral treaties which FSM have ratified.

Electoral Commission

The UK Electoral Commission is an independent statutory body which was established by the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000. It is responsible for matters relating to the administration and regulation of parliamentary and local government elections in the UK. This includes the registration of political parties, maintenance of a register of their accounts, review of electoral laws and procedures and the maintenance of official information on political donations. Its website provides information on the purpose of the body and its work.

Arctic Circle

The Arctic Circle site has information on three interrelated themes: natural resources; history and culture; social equity and environmental justice. Material includes studies of the impact of natural resource development, ethnographic portraits of indigenous peoples and their culture, and information on land claims and self-determination. Also includes links to other sites related to the Circumpolar North. The virtual classroom section includes case studies under each of the three main themes. NB. The site has not been updated since January 2009.

LSE Library

Website of the London School of Economics (LSE) Library, otherwise known as the British Library of Political and Economic Science. The Library's collections of social science materials are of recognised national and international importance. They cover politics, economics, sociology, anthropology, government and social policy, worldwide, from before the 19th Century to the present day. The LSE website provides access to the Library's catalogue as well as information about services, collections and facilities.

State, Society and Governance in Melanesia Project

The State, Society and Governance in Melanesia Program is a project of the Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies at the Australian National University. The Program was established in 1996 to conduct research into the government, politics and causes of political crises in the Pacific Islands including Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, New Caledonia and Fiji. The site provides background details on the purpose of the project and access to full-text working papers and conference papers relating to it.

Foundation for Information Policy Research

The Foundation for Information Policy Research (FIPR) is a UK organisation that works in the area of "... promoting, encouraging, commissioning and conducting research into the present and possible future effects on the general public (including economic, social and moral effects and effects on health and well-being) of developments in information technology ... " The organisation has an independent board of trustees and an advisory council that includes members from both the academic and private sectors.

Statute Law Review

The Statute Law Review (online ISSN: 1464-3863) began in 1980 and is published by Oxford University Press in association with the Statute Law Society. The Review aims to further the study of legislative drafting, statutory interpretation, and the process of parliamentary scrutiny around the world. It is intended for lawyers in both private practice and public service, and academics with an interest in public law, public administration and political science.

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