police service

Bhatt Murphy Solicitors

Bhatt Murphy is a London-based law firm specialising in the legal protection of civil liberties. Its website includes annotated timelines, with links to legislation and official publications, covering the following areas: police misconduct; tariff-setting for life prisoners; deaths in custody; immigration detention; parole hearings; and prison discipline. It also has a news page and a set of links to civil liberties websites.

Criminal Justice System Northern Ireland

This site provides information on the criminal justice system of Northern Ireland and the agencies that form part of the justice service including the Northern Ireland Prison Service, Police Service of Northern Ireland, Public Prosecution Service, Youth Justice Agency and the Probation Board for Northern Ireland. The role of each of these bodies is explained on the site and contact details and links to the organisations' own websites are given. Key documents relating to the criminal justice system in Northern Ireland are made available in HTML or PDF.

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