personal injuries

Law Brief Publishing

Website of Law Brief Publishing a legal publishing company founded in 2006. The site gives details of Law Brief publications which include practical guides for lawyers. Free samples and chapters from some of the books are provided on the site. The company publish PI Brief Update Law Journal, a monthly online subscription publication offering case law, news items and articles on personal injury law. There is also a free newsletter giving updates on recent cases in all the major areas of law. You are required to register on the site to receive this publication.

Pan European Organisation of Personal Injury Lawyers

Website of the Pan European Organisation of Personal Injury Lawyers (PEOPIL), a not-for-profit organisation founded in 1996 and supported by the European Union. The stated aim of PEOPIL is to "improve and promote judicial cooperation and mutual knowledge of legal and judicial systems of European jurisdictions in the field of personal injury law". The site provides information about the organisation, including sub-groups, publications, future events and a searchable list of members.

Personal Injury

Personal Injury is a website focusing on US personal injury law produced by Einstein Law, a company specialising in legal web directories and portals. The site provides background information on different aspects of personal injury including damages and awards and tort law. It also provides detailed information on personal injury claims such as medical malpractice, car accidents, product liability, brain injury and workers' compensation. There is a directory of personal injury lawyers in the United States and a glossary of terms.

Ogden Tables

The Actuarial Tables for Use in Personal Injury and Fatal Accident Cases, known as the 'Ogden Tables', prepared and provided on the UK Government website by the Government Actuary's Department. The Tables are used to calculate compensation in personal injury and fatal accident cases. The currrent edition and all previous editions are available. The tables are accompanied by explanatory notes and the actuarial formulae used.

Association of Personal Injury Lawyers

The Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL) is a UK-based organisation for lawyers of all types, and law students. Its website provides information for members of the public who have suffered an injury, a searchable directory of personal injury lawyers, APIL's responses to government consultations, information about its parliamentary work and particular campaigns, details of product recalls and other information. Parts of the site are restricted to APIL members only.

Personal Injuries Bar Association

Web pages of the Personal Injuries Bar Association (PIBA) a professional organisation open to barristers which holds meetings and seminars relating to personal injuries issues. The website makes a selection of full-text articles on personal injuries available in PDF along with details on how to join and contact details for officers of PIBA. Members of PIBA can access the members' area which is password protected.


Disease-i is a subscription website provided by Weightmans, a UK-based firm of solicitors. The site is intended for lawyers dealing with disease claims and provides guidance and background information on a range of related issues. The section headed Legal Principles covers the existence of a duty of care, forseeability, causation and contributory negligence. Other legal topics include insurance histories and coverage, limitation and quantum.

Brain Injury Lawyer: frequently asked questions

This website provides answers to questions on traumatic brain injury written by John Hochfelder, is a New York-based traumatic injury trial lawyer. Brief answers are given to a range of medical questions covering brain anatomy, brain injury diagnosis and symptoms, coma, hematoma, epilepsy and types of head injury. There are also questions dealing with related legal issues including lawsuits, financial assistance and Medicaid. A Nationwide Verdict Tracker gives summaries of recent brain injury verdicts and settlements from around the United States.

Journal of Tort Law

Website of the electronic Journal of Tort Law published by Berkeley Electronic Press (bepress) an academic publisher whose aim is to produce rapidly reviewed, high-quality journals. The journal focuses on "tort theory and jurisprudence from a range of interdisciplinary perspectives" and is published twice a year. Recent articles have examined insurance class actions, tort law research and the law of accidents. Issues are provided online from December 2006 onwards. Abstracts and suggested citations are made freely available on the site.

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