
The Pensions Regulator

The Pensions Regulator is the UK regulator of work-based pension schemes. They work with trustees, employers, pension specialists and business advisers, giving guidance on what is expected of them. Their principal aim is to prevent problems from developing. They use their powers with the aim of putting things right and keeping schemes, and employers on the right track for the long term.
The website provides access to reports, documents and information for trustees, employers, business advisers and individuals.

Tax and Chancery (Upper Tribunal)

The Upper Tribunal (Tax and Chancery Chamber) helps those who are involved in or want to appeal against decisions made by the First-tier tribunal in tax or Charity cases, as well as people who want to refer matters relating to certain decisions made by the Financial Services Authority and the Pensions Regulator. This section of the Justice website includes forms and guidance, available in PDF, links to procedural rules and a link to the Tribunals Judiciary website, where Tax and Chancery (Upper Tribunal) decisions are available to search from April 2003 onwards.

Pensions Appeal Tribunal Scotland

Website of the Pensions Appeal Tribunals for Scotland. These Tribunals hear appeals from ex-servicemen or women who have had their claims for a war pension rejected by the Secretary of State for Defence in Scotland. The site has a selection of FAQs on how to make an appeal and a medical appendix providing definitions for a range of medical conditions.


Labordoc is a searchable database which contains more than 360,000 records relating to the International Labour Organization (ILO) and other labour organisations, since 1919. Its coverage is very wide and includes materials relating to socio-economic development - especially work-related human rights issues. There is a strong focus on empirical literature, although some material on labour economics, gender economics and welfare economics is included. Much of the collection focuses on developing and transition countries. There are direct links to online texts from over 12,000 publications.

Service France

Service France forms part of the website of Sykes Anderson a law firm specialising in French tax and property law. The site includes details of services the firm offers and freely available information on French tax, property and pensions. Content is provided in the form of articles and case studies with topics covered including the main French taxes, tax planning and and tax-free or tax efficient investments. There is advice on French property and conveyancing, French probate, health care and social security.

Social Security Programs Throughout the World

A four volume series covering social security systems in Europe, Asia and the Pacific, Africa, and the Americas produced by the U.S. Social Security Administration (SSA) and the International Social Security Association (ISSA) and made freely available on the SSA Website. This reference work provides summaries of social security systems in individual countries which can be viewed in HTML or PDF. The entire report can be downloaded in PDF. Broad headings include old age, disability and survivors, sickness and maternity, work injury, unemployment and family allowances.

Pensions Ombudsman

The Pensions Ombudsman investigates and decides complaints and disputes relating to the running of pension schemes in the UK. The site provides information on who can bring a complaint, the sort of pension schemes included and time limits for bringing complaints. Annual reports, application forms and guidance notes can be downloaded from the site and details of related bodies are also included. Determinations of the Ombudsman are available in full back to 2001 and can be searched by keyword or date.

Association of Pension Lawyers

Website of the Association of Pension Lawyers (APL) a membership association of UK lawyers specialising in pensions. The aim of the APL is to "promote awareness of the importance of the role of law in the provision of pensions and to operate as a forum for discussion and education amongst pension lawyers." The site has information about the APL including a copy of the Constitution and a diary of events. Contact details and profiles of pensions mediators are also provided on the site. Most content on the site is restricted to members only.

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