
Stonewall: Parenting Rights

This page forms part of the guidance provided by gay and lesbian civil rights group, Stonewall, on their website. This section focuses on aspects of the law covering parenting that may affect LGBT people. There is information on the law relating to donor insemination, surrogacy, adoption and fostering, family leave and legal parenthood.

Is it legal? : a parent's guide to the law

Produced by the Family and Parenting Institute, this is the third edition of a guide to the laws that affect the day-to-day lives of parents and carers. The guide covers the law in England on subjects such as education, babysitting and child minding, marriage and cohabitation, divorce, children and crime, the Internet and many other areas from when children are babies to when they reach young adulthood.

Natalie Gamble Associates

Website of Natalie Gamble Associates a UK law firm specialising in English fertility law and parenting law. The site provides biographical information on solicitors Natalie Gamble and Louisa Ghevaert, information on the services offered by the firm and a blog. There is also background information and guidance on the following topics: donor conception and co-parenting; surrogacy; embryos, sperm and eggs and parenting and children.

Seeking bypass: what will ultimately end confidence in the necessity of parental involvement laws?

Online article published on law and technology website in 2009, looking at US laws relating to parental involvement when abortions are sought by minors. The author is Diana Philip of the Women's Health Leadership Network, who is also on the advisory board for Lilith: A Fund for Reproductive Equity. The article outlines the history of young women's reproductive rights in the US, providing references to key texts and links to landmark cases.

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