

Online platform provided by Tree & Trees JusticeMedia Group. The full text of some items is freely available online (copying restricted) and PDF copies are available for a fee. The site includes federal and state laws, regulations, court rules, and judgments (1914 – present), as well as treaties. Contact information is provided for law firms and legal experts in Nigeria, arranged by practice area.

ECOWAS Community Court of Justice

Website of the ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States) Community Court of Justice. The union was established by the Treaty of Lagos in 1975 and the Court was set up under the revised Treaty of 1991 (given on the site). Functions of the Court include determining human rights violations in member states, judging legality of laws adopted by ECOWAS and examining failure of member states to honour their obligations under ECOWAS law. Decisions are available in full back to 2015 along with annual reports, rules of procedure and practice directions.

Official gazettes and civil society documentation

Collection of endangered government publications from ten African countries and Gulf states, digitised by the US-based Center for Research Libraries (CRL). Includes official gazettes – which typically publish legislation, government notices, et cetera - from Algeria, Congo Brazzaville, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Morocco, Mozambique, Nigeria, Somalia and Zimbabwe. Most, but not all, of the digitised content is from the 1950s to the 1990s. The CRL website is in English and the gazettes are in the language of the country of publication.

Truth Commission Digital Collection

The Truth Commission Digital Collection forms part of the Margarita S. Studemeister Digital Library in International Conflict Management at the United States Institute of Peace. There are profiles of truth commissions and commissions of inquiry set up in different countries with background information, details of members, links to establishing documents and each commission's final reports and findings. Sources of information for each profile are also given.

National Judicial Institute

The National Judicial Institute (NJI) of Nigeria provides continuing education and training for members of the Nigerian judiciary. Selected conference and workshop papers are available in full on the site. These cover a range of topics including environmental and sanitation laws in Nigeria, the role of the magistrate’s court in protecting the rights of the child and women and property rights under customary law in Nigeria. Copies of the NJI Law Journal, speeches and details of future events are also given.

National Judicial Council

Website of the National Judicial Council (NJC) the body responsible for preserving the independence of the judiciary in Nigeria. The NJC makes recommendations to the President and state governors for senior judicial appointments and is responsible for disciplinary issues concerning judicial officers. Profiles of Council members are given on the site along with guidelines and procedural rules, press releases and a selection of FAQs. 


Law section of the ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States) website, focusing on the Treaty of Lagos, 1975, which established this 15-member regional group, and other official documents. The purpose of ECOWAS is to promote economic integration in the region and create an economic and trading union. A revised 1993 version of the Treaty of Lagos is provided, along with regulations, communiques, decisions and other ECOWAS official documents.

Nigerian Bar Association

Website of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), the professional organisation representing lawyers called to the Nigerian bar. Provides information about the association, including the text of the constitution and its advisory body, the Office of the President of the Nigerian Bar Association (OPNBA). There are details of NBA committees, sections and fora.

National Assembly of the Federal Republic of Nigeria

This is the official website of the Nigerian parliament. It provides information on the work, membership and structure of the House of Representatives and the Senate. Reports of Assembly proceedings (Hansard), details of current bills, order papers and notices are available on the site; publications of the Policy Analysis and Research Project are also provided. There is an archive of older documentation.

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