
Lawyers and Settlements

The Lawyers and Settlements website is provided by Canadian marketing company, Online Legal Marketing Ltd who specialise in advertising for lawyers and law firms. The site provides information and the latest news on personal injury and class action cases and settlements. Cases are categorised by subject including personal injury, defective products, dangerous drugs and stock fraud. The site provides a summary of the issue and details of possible cases, lawsuits filed and settlements achieved. Individual complaints can be submitted to subscribing lawyers on a contact form.

Association of Personal Injury Lawyers

The Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL) is a UK-based organisation for lawyers of all types, and law students. Its website provides information for members of the public who have suffered an injury, a searchable directory of personal injury lawyers, APIL's responses to government consultations, information about its parliamentary work and particular campaigns, details of product recalls and other information. Parts of the site are restricted to APIL members only.


Disease-i is a subscription website provided by Weightmans, a UK-based firm of solicitors. The site is intended for lawyers dealing with disease claims and provides guidance and background information on a range of related issues. The section headed Legal Principles covers the existence of a duty of care, forseeability, causation and contributory negligence. Other legal topics include insurance histories and coverage, limitation and quantum.


CaseCheck is a website run by Moore Legal Technology, a consultancy set up by former solicitors. It provides free access to selected personal injury and negligence cases from UK courts. Case summaries are available back to 2000, browseable by name and/or area of law, or searchable by key word and other criteria.

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