
North Atlantic Treaty Organization

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is a political and military alliance between North America and Europe. Its aim is to maintain peace and stability through cooperative action. The NATO website contains information about the Organization’s purpose, structure and activities. The North Atlantic Treaty and its protocols are available, together with NATO ministerial communiqués (1949 onwards) and other official documents. The site also provides news, transcripts of speeches and an online bookshop.

One Europe or Several? The Dynamics of Change Across Europe

This is the website of an Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) programme which studied several areas of change and development within contemporary Europe. It ended in 2003. The programme aimed to examine " ... contemporary processes of political, security, economic, social and cultural change across the European continent, notably in relation to influences on convergence and divergence within and between European countries and prospects for integration and fragmentation." One Europe or Several?

Avalon Project : Dayton Peace Accords

The Dayton Peace Accords sought to achieve a peaceful settlement to the Balkans conflict in 1995. They relate to the positions of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Croatia and Yugoslavia. This website, which is available as part of the Avalon Project maintained by Yale University, contains the text of the agreement and its appendixes. The appendixes include letters from Slobodan Milosevic and the US Department of State Dispatch.

Vabariigi Valitsus

This is the official website of the Estonian Government. The site includes details of the Cabinet of ministers, their biographies and areas of activity, and news and press releases. Also included are details of current activities, including plans and projects, mission and priorities, economic and foreign policy, and Estonia's relations with NATO and its membership of the EU.

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